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Students march under the snow while they protest against austerity measures on state schools, in Pamplona, northern Spain on Thursday, March 14, 2013. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
Students march under the snow while they protest against austerity measures on state schools, in Pamplona, northern Spain on Thursday, March 14, 2013. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
Greek army retirees holding banners with anti austerity slogans, take part in a protest against pension and health cuts in Thessaloniki, Greece on Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Hundreds of retired armed forces officers, many with their families, protested over cuts in their pensions. Greece has resorted to severe cuts in pensions and wages in order to pare down its debt. (AP Photo/Nikolas Giakoumidis)
FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) ? Three and a half years into its government-debt crisis, there are signs that Europe is adopting a gentler approach toward austerity.
Political leaders aren't backing away aggressively from budget cuts and higher taxes, but they are increasingly trying to temper these policies, which have stifled growth and made it harder for many countries to bring their deficits under control.
The European Union is slowing its enforcement of deficit limits until the region's economy turns around; countries that were bailed out by their European neighbors are being given more time to repay loans, easing the pressure to cut budgets further; and financial leaders, including the head of the European Central Bank, say it's time to place more emphasis on reviving growth.
"There has clearly been a shift in thinking," says Christian Schulz, economist at Berenberg Bank in London.
After the crisis broke out in late 2009, governments dramatically slashed spending ? either to meet conditions for bailout loans, or to reassure jittery bond markets that they were trustworthy borrowers. This fiscal belt-tightening was introduced to help countries reduce their deficits and pave the way for critical financial aid.
Promises of austerity gave the ECB political breathing room to get more aggressive. The bank's pledge last summer to buy unlimited amounts of government bonds is largely responsible for taming Europe's financial crisis.
But austerity also inflicted severe economic pain in places like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy. Over time ? as the economy of the 17 European Union countries that use the euro descended into recession ? evidence grew that slashing spending and raising taxes were less effective at reducing deficits than initially thought, and perhaps counter-productive.
Why? Because as economies shrink, so do tax revenues, making it harder to close budget gaps.
The latest eurozone recession, which began last year, is forecast to end in the second half of this year and was the main focus of Thursday's summit of European Union leaders in Brussels.
"We are all fully conscious of the debate, the mounting frustrations and even despair of people," said Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, after the meeting ended.
"We also know there are no easy answers."
With unemployment at a record 11.9 percent and Europeans expressing their discontent at the polls and in the streets, many of the region's political and financial leaders are willing to postpone budget-cutting and deficit targets.
A few recent examples:
? EU officials have hinted Spain, France, Portugal and Greece might be allowed more time to reduce their deficits to within the limits specified by European Union rules.
? European finance ministers last week agreed in principle to grant Ireland and Portugal more time to repay bailout loans to other eurozone countries. While the countries cannot abandon deficit-reduction plans they agreed to in return for loans, it does allow them to cut budgets more slowly.
? ECB President Mario Draghi last week urged indebted governments to move beyond spending cuts and tax hikes and introduce labor reforms and other measures that would boost growth and reduce the "tragedy" of unemployment.
The rethinking of austerity gained momentum late last year after economists at the International Monetary Fund produced research that showed Europe's austerity policies had been far more damaging than policymakers thought.
It's hardly news to Ines Mendes of Lisbon, a 26-year-old flight attendant and mother of a 4-year-old. She said income tax hikes this year will cost her and her partner the equivalent of more than a month's pay each over the year, further squeezing her family budget.
"We could really use a break," Mendes said. "I don't know why they're doing this to us. It doesn't make sense, it's just killing our economy," she said of the EU's austerity demands imposed as part of the country's 2010 bailout.
Advocates of austerity haven't disappeared from the scene. Key leaders such as Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel still espouse the virtues of balanced budgets.
"Budget consolidation, structural reforms and growth are not contradictions but require each other," Merkel told reporters after the summit of 27 EU countries on Thursday. "It is necessary to trim the deficits to promote growth and investment."
But there is a difference between the rhetoric and the actions these leaders endorse. Merkel's government agreed last year to the EU commission's recommendation to extend deficit-reduction deadlines for Portugal, Greece and Spain. And the EU commission is now judging countries based on their so-called structural deficit ? or what the deficit would be excluding the effects of the recession. That gives countries more time to get their finances under control.
The new EU stance "doesn't mean countries don't need to do austerity. It means they only need to do the austerity that is needed to bring a country a balanced budget in structural terms. If a country is in a recession, this approach allows some deficit," says Berenberg analyst Schulz.
Across the eurozone, deficits as a proportion of economic output averaged 3.5 percent at the end of last year. That's down from 4.2 percent in 2011, and only slightly above the European Union target of 3 percent. However, among individual eurozone members, the picture is far less rosy ? countries such as Spain and Greece are running deficits more than double the official limit.
A growing number of European countries appear headed in the direction of less austerity no matter what the euro region's leaders decide.
In last month's election in Italy, most voters supported parties that opposed the austerity policies of departing Prime Minister Mario Monti.
And last week, the finance minister of France, the eurozone's second-largest economy, said his country had ruled out more budget cuts despite a deficit of 4.6 percent of GDP.
"We refuse to add austerity to the recession," the minister, Pierre Moscovici, said.
The austerity rethink may come as cold comfort to millions of Europeans, especially those living in countries that received bailouts, such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal. These countries remain under pressure to keep spending levels down and continue unpopular tax hikes ? even as they battle recession.
The Greek economy is in its sixth year of recession and the unemployment rate there has reached 27 percent. Portugal's economy contracted 3.2 percent last year ? its severest annual downturn since 1975 ? and its unemployment rate is at a record 17.2 percent.
In Portugal, hundreds of thousands of people recently turned out at to protest austerity measures being implemented to meet the conditions of its bailout. The opposition Socialist Party leader said: "Are we emerging from the crisis? No, we're worse off than we were before."
AP writers Barry Hatton in Lisbon, Portugal, Juergen Baetz in Brussels, Elena Becatoros in Athens, Greece, and Sarah Di Lorenzo in Paris contributed to this report.
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Mar. 14, 2013 ? Brown fat is a hot topic, pardon the pun. Brown fat cells, as opposed to white fat cells, make heat for the body, and are thought to have evolved to help mammals cope with the cold. But, their role in generating warmth might also be applied to coping with obesity and diabetes.
The lab of Patrick Seale, PhD, at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, studies what proteins guide the development, differentiation, and function of fat cells. Seale and postdoctoral fellow Sona Rajakumari, PhD, along with Jun Wu from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, found that a protein switch called early B cell factor-2 (Ebf2) determines which developmental path fat precursor cells take -- the brown vs. white cell trajectory.
"Brown fat cells are the professional heat-producing cells of the body," says Seale. Because of this they are protective against obesity as well as diabetes. Seale is an assistant professor of Cell and Developmental Biology and a member of the Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. The investigators published their findings this week in Cell Metabolism.
The team showed that Ebf2 regulates the binding activity of PPAR-gamma, a protein that regulates differentiation of developing cell types and is the target of anti-diabetic drugs. Ebf2 affects PPAR-gamma's ability to determine if precursor cells go down the white or brown fat cell path. The team surmises that Ebf2 may alter epigenetic proteins at brown fat genes to expose PPAR-gamma binding sites.
Brown fat cells are thought to counteract obesity by burning off excess energy stored in lipid, but white fat cells store energy. Indeed, brown fat cells contain many smaller droplets of lipids and the most mitochondria (containing pigmented cytochromes that bind iron)of any cell type, which make them brown.
Rajakumari conducted a genome-wide study of PPAR-gamma binding regions in white versus brown fat cells. She found that brown cell-specific binding sites also contained a DNA-recognition site for Ebf2 transcription factors and that Ebf2 was strongly expressed in brown fat cells only. When she overexpressed Ebf2 in precursor white fat cells they matured into brown fat cells. The brown fat cell status of the reprogrammed white fat cells was confirmed in that they consumed greater amounts of oxygen (a surrogate measure of heat production), had a greater number of mitochondria, and had an increased expression of genes involved in heat production, all characteristics of normal brown fat cells.
Rajakumari also looked at whether Ebf2 was required for brown fat cell development in animals by studying mice in which Ebf2 had been knocked out. Brown fat cells are typically located on the back, along the upper half of the spine and toward the shoulders. In contrast, excess abdominal concentrations of white fat cells are associated with metabolic dysfunction, insulin resistance, and heart disease.
She found that in late-stage embryos of these knockouts, white fat cells took the place of where brown fat cell reserves were in normal mice, indicating that stem cells differentiate into white fat in the absence of Ebf2.
Over the past few years, PET scan studies on glucose uptake by different tissues suggested that the amount of brown fat cells in people is inversely correlated with body mass index and age. This suggested that brown fat cells might play an unappreciated role in human metabolism. What's more, researchers started to suggest that "turning on" brown fat could be a new way to fight obesity and burn the extra stored lipids in white fat cells.
Ebf2 is the earliest known protein in the timeline of the development and differentiation of brown fat cells. "Many times the earlier in the developmental stage that a guiding protein is active, the more powerful it is in driving a certain process of differentiation," notes Seale. "Ebf2 is not really a readily druggable target, but perhaps a protein related to it is." Because Ebf2 is a transcription factor, it doesn't have a clear binding pocket, but the researchers propose that it might be possible to pharmacologically block or stimulate the interaction of Ebf2 with a partner protein.
Penn co-authors are Hee-Woong Lim and K.J. Won from the Department of Genetics.
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Of course, not being doctors or health practitioners, we are not licensed to and must never claim diagnosis of any health challenge, but I think it is high time everyone knew something about health. Subscribing to reliable health journals or sites may be of help.
2 years ago, I overheard a friend talk to his brother on phone, that their sick mum had blood in her stool. From my basic health knowledge, I almost asked them to go see a gastroeneterolgist for colon cancer screening for the sick mum. I didn't do, because I didn't want to interfere in their family affairs. The mum died few months later, most likely from colorectal cancer (but pls, not all cases are blood-in-stool are colorectal cancers o. It can be less severe cases like pile/heamorrage but in any case, see your doctor asap whe you notice one. Colonoscopy may be required to ascertain, esp when it is persistent)
This article, which I sourced from, one of the health sites I subscriibed to, takes us through colorectal cancer - causes, symptoms, treatment options etc.
Re: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by Jarus(m): 1:19pm On Mar 131, Why Awareness is the KeyCancer never sounds good. Pair the word "cancer" with it, and any body part seems tainted and taboo. So it's no surprise that people don't like talking about colorectal cancer, even if it is the third most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the U.S. It's not pleasant or pretty, but a little extra awareness might make colorectal cancer a lot less dangerous. Read on to know the signs, symptoms, and how to reduce your risk
2, Basic Terminology
First, a quick definition to clear up confusion: Colon cancer and colorectal cancer aren't quite synonymous, though people often use the terms interchangeably. Your colon is the biggest part of your large intestine, making up the first four to five feet, and the rectum is the last several inches. Colon cancer and rectal cancer behave very similarly, though colon cancer is diagnosed more than twice as often as rectal cancer; the term colorectal cancer effectively combines the two. Treatment varies based on the location of the initial (called primary) tumor, so it's important to know the difference.
3, The Root of the Problem
About 95 percent of colorectal cancers start with a polyp, which are benign, slow-growing clusters of cells that grow on the intestinal wall and usually have a mushroom-like appearance. Polyps are common - about 30 to 40 percent of adults 50 and older develop them - and usually harmless - most polyps won't ever turn into cancer. However, because polyps often develop without causing any symptoms, colorectal cancer screening is a crucial part of your regular medical exam if you're age 50 or older.
4, When a Polyp Goes Rogue
Of the three types of colon polyps, only one, called adenomatous polyps, or adenomas, can turn into cancer. However, adenomas are the most common type, comprising about two-thirds of colon polyps. Fortunately, adenomas grow very slowly, and not all adenomas turn cancerous. If they do, they usually take more than 10 years to become malignant, giving you ample time to catch and remove them, which makes colorectal cancer highly preventable with routine colorectal cancer screening.
5, Other Causes
Polyps are the most common precursor to colon cancer, but they're not the only ones. Nonpolypous lesions, which are harder to detect than polyps, can also grow into cancer cells. At least in the case of colon cancer, these inconspicuous cells are far more rare than polyps.
Re: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by Jarus(m): 1:19pm On Mar 136, Problems from PolypsIf polyps do evolve into cancer cells, you may start to notice some symptoms. While stomach cramps, persistent gas, fatigue or noticeable changes in your bowel movements and blood in your stool don't sound like "good news" you should consider yourself fortunate to catch symptoms early. Symptoms can be rare, and they're your doctor's best chance to diagnose you early and start a simpler course of treatment.
7, When to Watch Your Risk
After your 50th birthday, it's time to be on the lookout. About 90 percent of all people with colorectal cancer are over 50. While African-Americans are at a higher risk, this cancer doesn't discriminate; everyone ages 50 and up needs regular colorectal cancer screening tests.
8, Know Your History
If your family has a history of polyps, then you're more likely to develop them, but no one's sure why. And if you've already had polyps or colon cancer yourself, you're always at risk of them returning. Additionally, if you've had intestinal trouble in the past, like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, be on high alert for colorectal cancer
9, Is It in the Genes
Colorectal cancer isn't necessarily passed down from parents to children, but some genetic markers can indicate risk and let you know that you need to be more vigilant. Genetic predisposition only shows up in a small percentage of colorectal cancer cases and does not guarantee that you'll develop the disease. If risk runs in your family, you'll need earlier and more frequent screenings; talk to your doctor about when to start.
10, Polyp Probability
Gardner's Syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), is a rare diagnosis that means you're genetically inclined to develop polyps. FAP boosts your risk of developing colon cancer before you're 40 years old, so your doctor will start examining for polyps early - and regularly.
Re: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by Jarus(m): 1:20pm On Mar 1311, Rare, But ChallengingLynch Syndrome, or hereditary nonpolypous colorectal cancer (HNPCC), another rare genetic disorder, causes potentially malignant lesions that are hard to find, putting you at risk of colon cancer before age 50. A genetic test can alert you and your doctor so you can start testing early.
12, Does Diet Make a Difference?
The final verdict isn't in yet, but studies indicate that diet and exercise can influence colorectal cancer risk. If you maintain a high-fat, low-fiber diet, your digestive system has to deal with carcinogens and other potential poisons. If you're smoking and abusing alcohol, all while avoiding exercise, then your weakened body makes a better host for cancer cells. A lifetime of burgers and beers may not cause colorectal cancer, but bad habits will exploit your other risk factors.
13, Deal with the Tests
Don't ignore the public service announcements and celebrity awareness campaigns: You need regular screening starting at age 50 (earlier with a family history and other risk factors). Testing isn't a pretty topic, but the technology is improving, and getting past the queasiness can, quite simply, save your life.
14, Simplest Surgeries
Surgery is usually the safest and most effective way to treat colon cancer. That's why early detection is so important - surgery is far safer and more effective in the early stages of cancer. If the polyps are small and haven't spread or embedded themselves in the wall of the colon, then a surgeon can usually remove them completely. You'll have to keep a more watchful eye for the rest of your life, but your immediate treatment can be that simple. Surgeons can even remove larger polyps - caught early - through less
15, Tougher Treatments
If malignant cells have grown into the colon wall, then you may need a partial colectomy, in which a surgeon will remove the cancerous portion and reconnect the healthy colon. But this is also where rectal cancer becomes a different problem. If the cancerous cells are too close to the rectum or end of your colon, you may need a colostomy. Often, surgeons can perform a temporary colostomy, but in some advanced cases, you'll need an external colostomy bag for collecting body waste outside the
Re: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by Jarus(m): 1:22pm On Mar 1316, When It's IncurableSince many people with colorectal cancer are also in bad physical health, sometimes surgeons aren't able to remove enough of the colon to get rid of all of the cancer cells. In these cases, they'll operate to remove any blockages in the intestines, which will relieve symptoms like bleeding and pain. But this palliative surgery won't cure the cancer.
17, Chemotherapy and Radiation
If, after surgery, some cancer cells remain, you may need chemotherapy to destroy these cells. And if the cancer has spread from your colon to nearby organs like the liver, chemotherapy may be able to kill these cells before they cause complications. With rectal cancer, you'll likely need radiation therapy to eliminate any remaining cells and shrink any tumors.
Recent studies have shown that radiation prior to surgery helps shrink the tumor and
18, Do Drugs Help?
Targeted drug therapy, including chemotherapy drugs like bevacizumab (Avastin), cetuximab (Erbitux) and panitumumab (Vectibix) can help if surgery isn't an option. These drugs have varied success, and come with the typical side effects of cancer drugs, from nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain to stroke or heart attack symptoms. You and your doctor will carefully weigh the risks and potential benefits before starting a drug regimen
19, Help from Healthy Habits
You can prevent colon cancer by catching polyps early, but can you prevent polyps? It might be impossible, but some healthy habits can help:
?Diet: A colorectal cancer-fighting diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains will supply your body with the fiber and antioxidants you need to keep your digestive system clean.
?Exercise: Exercising and maintaining a healthy BMI not only keep your system
Related Nairaland thread:
Re: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by biolabee(m): 1:48pm On Mar 13Excellent post, may God help us
Cancer is deadly and is becoming more common place
1 Like
Re: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by Akin-David: 5:32pm On Mar 13Thanks for the Enlightenment.
This post has been hiddenRe: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by pappilo(m): 5:49pm On Mar 13Thanks for this but unfortunately many wont read it and those who do will just glance through. A year ago I would have just glanced at this article and moved on but when these things hit close to home there is the natural tendency to develop an interest but unfortunately the knowledge gained from that interest is usually of no important use as the close relative or yourself is past the curative stage.The ultimate killer in Colorectal cancer is Liver Metastasis i.e when the cancer cells have travelled from the colon to the liver. At this stage, there is no chance of a cure and only palliative treatment can be given to help prolong life often with a deteriorating quality of life.
Like the article you posted above alludes to, colorectal cancer presents no obvious symptoms and by the time it does e.g rapid unexplained weight loss, the cancer has advanced to stage IV which is incurable.
If I knew what I know now 10 years ago, I would have done things differently.
I love you dad.
This post has been hiddenRe: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by Temismith(f): 9:55pm On Mar 13Hmmmm! #signs#. God help us. Tanx @ op.
Re: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by adaptor4all: 11:25pm On Mar 13Great post really..I only wanna reiterate on d most important words,'Early detection'.Sincerely,early detection is what differentiates Western approach 2 cancer frm dt f Africa cos most Africans won't show up in d hospitals till d disease has eaten really deep.Pitifully,this is largely as a result of lack of routine check-ups in Africa However,those who do show up early,mostly do so either in herbal homes or in not-well-exposed hospitals,where they r only given antibiotics 4 trx.There4,1 can't seperate cancer prevailence from ignorance.What a pity!
Pls,never take ur health issue lightly.Any misnormal in ur system shd be reported immediately.Remember,Early detection remains d best cure 2 cancer.God help us all..Amen
1 Like
Re: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by dBard: 5:40am On Mar 14Great post @OP.
Colo Rectal CA is being seen more n more these days than before,probably cos of improved diagnosis etc.
management protocol are improving in tackling it but early detection still remains d key.
Once a year check up wit Scans, Barium enemas n colonoscopy (if available ) is recommended after the age of 50.
A healthy lifestyle is very important, with Gods Grace..
Hmmm, during my elective posting in USA, most of my adult patients had colorectal cancer. As a newbie, my job was to perform a guaiac test on their stools which essentially means checking for blood in stool as one of the diagnostic tools. It was rather fun. Again, one of the lines of management was that these patients were adviced to maintain a diet high in fiber. The consultant had gone on to explain that why the disease is rare in Africans is because of the high fiber content in our foods eg garri etc as compared to their diet that is largely made up of refined food products low in fiber aka junk food etc. The food companies in response are now increasing as well as adding fiber content in their biscuits, and other food products to keep up d health trend . Can it be d same as our natural food? I really doubt it.
Needless to say, I took home something that day which is to eat as much garri as I can even though I can barely stand the meal, since after all it's my prophylaxis against this dreadful disease.
Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
Re: Facts About Colorectal Cancer by viperman: 8:20pm On Mar 14Awesomeness = Jarus
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Drinking just two cups of coffee a day is associated with the risk of low birth weight. Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have conducted a study on 59,000 women in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
Expectant mothers who consume caffeine, usually by drinking coffee, are more likely to have babies with lower birth weight than anticipated, given their gestational age. Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, conducted a study on 59,000 pregnant Norwegian women in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
"The correlation between intake of caffeine and fetal growth was established even among women who followed the official recommendation that they limit caffeine consumption to 200 milligrams a day (two cups of coffee)," researcher Verena Sengpiel says.
The medical term used in this connection is "small for gestational age" (SGA), which is associated with an elevated risk of morbidity and death.
The new results are consistent with previous international studies but are based on a considerably larger cohort. The participants were healthy and had uncomplicated pregnancies until delivery, while the results were adjusted for age, smoking, body mass index, nicotine consumption, alcohol use and other variables that affect fetal growth.
"We need to stress that our study did not examine whether caffeine is the specific mechanism substance by which responsible for the fetus is being at greater risk of low birth weight," Ms. Sengpiel says. "Nor did we look at whether these babies actually had special health problems during the neonatal period. Additional research is needed before we can say for sure what our finding actually means for pregnant women and their babies."
The other purpose of the study, which is being published in BMC Medicine, was to determine whether women who consumed caffeine during pregnancy were more likely to give birth prematurely. Such a correlation could not be established.
The research team is hoping to conduct more in-depth studies about the cause-effect relationship between caffeine use and SGA, as well as any correlation between SGA and neonatal morbidity and death.
University of Gothenburg:
Thanks to University of Gothenburg for this article.
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We begin this week for a vital PSA aimed at the fan of ABC's Zero Hour -- that show has been cancelled after airing just three episodes. In other news, fresh iterations of SimCity and Tomb Raider arrive this week for some old-but-new-again gaming. Look below for the highlights this week, followed after the break by our weekly listing of what to look out for in TV, Blu-ray and videogames.
Wreck-It Ralph
In addition to Academy Award winning animated short Paperman, Wreck-It Ralph promises enough classic videogame references to alight nostalgia in pretty much anyone. Ben-o-vision certified, this story of an 8-bit villain who wants to be a hero instead seems a good fit for kids and adults alike.
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The Big Red posted its third consecutive quad meet runner-up finish and its fifth straight meet above 190.500 when it placed second at Rutgers this past weekend. The Big Red finished behind just the Scarlet Knights after scoring a 191.3265. Cornell edged out William & Mary by just .225. Brockport was fourth with a 188.750, while Rutgers scored an impressive 195.975 with school record scores on two events.
Cornell enters the weekend with a 191.400 regional qualifying score, good for sixth among the 13 teams attempting to qualify for the USAG nationals. Only the top eight qualify for the championship meet beginning April 12 in Shreveport, La. Brown sits one spot ahead of Cornell in fifth with a 191.515 RQS score.
Freshman Madeline Martinez (9.725) and senior McKenna Archer (9.710) bring in the meet's highest RQS scores on vault, while junior Lexi Schupp (9.750) has the fourth-highest bars score among USAG competitors and the highest of the four teams in the competition. Junior Melanie Jorgensen isn't far behind with her 9.735. Archer is also the team's highest scorer on beam (9.620) and floor (9.720).
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