BY SAM SLOM - From time to time there is a candidate who is really worth supporting. One such candidate is Dr. Akina, who is running for Trustee At Large for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. While some people are under the impression that voting for OHA trustees is only for Hawaiians by blood, in reality, all registered voters, including Hawaiians at heart, have the right to vote for all OHA trustees in the general election.
In this election, the stakes couldn?t be higher. OHA and our state legislature have embraced a new law (Act 195) which creates a racial divide by allowing for the enrollment of a separate Hawaiian nation based on blood only, in effect excluding more than 80% of Hawai?i's population. Courageously, Dr. Akina is the only candidate on the record in opposition to this divisive law which will be sure to splinter our society along the lines of race.
Dr. Akina also understands that land translates to power in Hawaii, and he is concerned that OHA will use its growing power and resources to thwart state and private projects that OHA politically disagrees with. Dr. Akina argues that OHA should not take a side, but instead the organization should be a table where stakeholders (Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians, environmentalists and developers, locals and the military) can meet to discuss their differences and find solutions.
Dr. Akina?s views on balance, cooperation, and dialogue gained him the endorsement of the Hawaii Chapter of Veterans in Politics. In these times of tension between military and local populations, Veterans in Politics believes that Dr. Akina?s values and experience would further relationships instead of causing divide.
I assure you that Dr. Akina is the trustee candidate you can support, even if you have not voted for OHA in past elections. Dr. Akina is passionately committed to providing education, housing, and economic opportunity for the Hawaiian community, but he is also absolutely committed to the Aloha spirit for everyone in Hawai?i.
He stands out from the entire pack with his high level of education, his 30 years of leadership experience in the non-profit sector and trust sector, and his commitment to all of Hawai?i's people. He is a man of deep faith, integrity, and proven leadership ability.
I encourage you to look for his name under OHA?Trustee At Large on your general election ballot.
Vote for a man whom Hawai?i needs at this crucial time.
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Author: Sam Slom
Sen. Sam Slom, R-Hawaii Kai-Diamond Head, is an entrepreneur, small business owner and consulting economist (SMS Consultants); President of Smart Business Hawaii (SBH) and the SBH Entrepreneurial Education Foundation. He graduated from the University of Hawaii-Manoa. Reach him at sbh@lava.netSam Slom has written 122 articles for us.
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